Thursday, November 20, 2008

Teaching high school or just watching...

The other day, our neighbor who goes to a public high school was over to visit. She saw one of our boys studying their online class on the computer and she said
"I didn't know you took classes on there. You mean your mom doesn't teach you ANYTHING?!"
I needed a good laugh and hearing that gave me a chuckle.
I heard him answer her and say "I take my electives online."
I didn't hear him respond to the part about whether or not his mom teaches him 'anything.' LOL
Today, he mentioned "I'm pretty much teaching myself these days." I had to agree!
And what wonderful practice this is for college!


Monday, November 3, 2008


I've been wondering if we should do math all-year-round...
I'm always amazed at what ground is lost during 2 and 1/2 months of summer!
A public school teacher friend once told me that they spend up until Christmas reviewing...

I think there is a correlation between the time off and the time it takes to get back into the swing of it and excelling again.
Anyone else find this happening at your house?


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bay cruise by Joy

We went on a boat ride in the bay. We went with another family of homeschoolers. The boat ride was fun and we were on it for an hour. We saw a big battleship and it's name is the American Victory. When we were off the boat we had doughnuts!! Boat rides with friends are fun!
~JoyAdd Image