Friday, January 30, 2009

Andrew recommends...

Don't you love when kids finish a book and say 'That was the best book I've ever read' and they say it after every book they read? : ) I think it's precious. I often feel that way myself when I've just finished a really great book.

Our boys have all LOVED the Great Illustrated Classics series. (I always look for them at used book sales but I've also found them at Wal*Mart and Michael's, of all places!)

Today Andrew clarified that his favorite Illustrated Classic is Call of the Wild but
his favorite book of all time (so far) is:
Billy Sunday: Runner for the Lord

(an A Beka reader)

He love, love, loved this book!
Give it a try! : )


Monday, January 26, 2009

What a blessing Teaching Textbooks has been to us!

Math was not my best subject in school.
I had some serious trouble with it.
It wasn't my hubby's best subject either. And it really wasn't a good thing when we took the same math class in college and sat by each other! ; ) Too many love notes were getting passed back and forth.....
Anyway, it looked as if one of our kiddos was an awful lot like us in the math department. Uh oh!
That was UNTIL we switched to Teaching Textbooks.
Now he understands upper level math and has wonderful grades! What a blessing!!!!

The one question people were always posing to me when our kids were little, wasn't the socialization question, it was the 'how will you teach high school math' question.
(did I just happen to LOOK like a person who wasn't good at math or what?!) LOL
Anyway, I had some vague answer about there being plenty of high school math programs available out there....
Of course, I had no idea what we would use way back then. I just knew that it would work out somehow because the fear of teaching high school math certainly wasn't worth sending my children to public school! But that is how people made it sound.
Now, here I am on the other side of that hurdle and I'm praising the Lord for providing the right program and for the Sabouris! He is faithful in every way.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Look out, George Washington!

I posted the other day about our unit study on George Washington and doing copy work using His Rules of Civility...
My youngest misunderstood the next rule we copied. He thought that it contradicted the Bible! He was upset! He quoted an applicable verse of scripture and was ready to let George Washington have it! : )

I love his zeal for the Lord and the Word.
Thank you, Father for giving him such a heart for You!


Monday, January 12, 2009

How yawning reminds us of George Washington

My youngest kiddos and I are starting a unit study on George Washington and we are using his
Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation (that's a mouthful isn't it?) for some handwriting practice. We copy a couple a day. Apparently, there are 110 rules he copied in his youth.
Because of this we all now think of the Father of our Country every time we yawn.
Weird, huh? Here's one of the rules we looked at the other day:

"If you cough, sneeze, sigh or yawn, do it not loud but privately, and speak not in your yawning, but put your handkerchief or hand before your face and turn aside."

I have never noticed until now, how often I try to speak in my yawns!!! Oh my goodness...
I'll have to work on that!
Just posting this is making me yawn...
Time to call it a day!
