Monday, September 29, 2008

Zach on Sonlight

Hello Home-schoolers,

I'm just stopping to comment on the Sonlight curriculum that I have been using for the past ten months or so. I enjoy their English course, mostly because I enjoy language arts. It's a good combination for me even though the work load can be rather arduous. One other thing I wanted to point out as a pro for Sonlight, is that the books they have you read are pretty interesting and fun to work through.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fun Books!

We've stumbled across these books by Jean Fritz and we just love them.

If you are doing a unit study on the Revolutionary War and the birth of our nation then you'll enjoy these. They bring out interesting details about these famous men.
They are also available as videos.

We got a kick out of the one about John Hancock! I guess he was rather vain...

My kids might say these books bring out too many details after today.
We were reading Where was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? and it mentioned that one man who knew Patrick Henry remembered that 'he always wore clean underwear.'
I had to read that again to make sure I'd read that correctly and then I couldn't help laughing...
I think that would fall under TMI!
Too funny!

Anyway, great books! We are enjoying them.
And lets hope we will all be remembered for more than our clean underwear someday. LOL!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Andrew on the Presidential Rally

We went to the John McCain rally and I got to see him in person but it was a bummer that Sarah Palin was not there. After the rally was over something really awkward happened. A bunch of Democrats started insulting Republicans by saying things like "Republicans are not free" and other stuff.

It was a fun field trip. In 45 days I might be able to say that I saw the President of the United States of America!


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Marine Biology

I am just thrilled with Apologia Marine Biology! I bought the c.d. version used (Love a deal!) instead of the textbook version. And I'm happy to say that it is SO
Home School-Mother-friendly!!!

When my son answers questions he submits his answers online and afterwards the answer comes printed out next to his answer for me to compare the two. It makes correcting -very easy.
And don't we have plenty to correct already without going to find this teacher's manual and that one ?! I have a cupboard full of teacher's manuals. So, I'm really enjoying this aspect of the course.

We also have a bag full of various sea creatures waiting for him to dissect when the time comes. But that might not be SO Home School-Mother-friendly! BLAH! ; )


A New Blog

I've often wanted to have a homeschooling blog,
but the first thing that comes to mind is that I'm too busy homeschooling! : )
I've decided to give it a try! And our kids are going to join me!
It will be a fun place for all of us to share what's going on in our 'school.'

who's blessed to be homeschooling!