Monday, December 8, 2008

My hats off to you...

mothers of preschoolers!
Today we did school with three little visitors at our house who were 5, 3 and 1 yrs. old.
We had a really nice time. It was fun to be reminded of what the preschool years were like. -Boy, do I have it easy now. : )
I'm not sure how we did it, but we got our school accomplished much to my surprise.
I had the two oldest kids join us at the table to color while we studied the Bill of Rights and they were paying attention right along with mine.

My two youngest were such a big help. I was so blessed by their hearts to serve.

And I got a kick out of this:
After I put all three down for a nap, my youngest, who is 9 said, "Wow, its good to have a normal, quiet house again."
Yes, nap time is and has always been wonderful thing! It seems like yesterday that he was taking them. How time flies!


1 comment:

Susan said...

My youngest is 3 months old and I only know days of homeschooling with toddlers. The last 7 years to be exact. It is encouraging to know that it does get easier.