Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Homeschooling Day in Pictures

Mom to Five Kids did this once and I enjoyed seeing someone else's homeschooling day in pictures so here is one of ours!
(when our camera was actually cooperating. I think its dying a slow death..)

I usually get the kids up at 7:00 AM, and its time for breakfast!
Nothing fancy as you can see.

Then we have devotional. Some days we have a Bible study together and on other days the kids read their Bibles on their own and we pray together.

Next, Joy and Andrew study for Junior Bible Quiz and Nathan studies for Teen Bible Quiz.

Joy and Andrew are working on learning 30 point questions this year. We don't always get out the box but today they wanted to. Their first match is next Saturday.

Nathan is memorizing the book of Mark in TBQ. They have their first match this Saturday on chapters 1-5. Its awesome to hear him quoting a gospel. We loved the epistles but there is just something special about reading what Jesus said and quoting it. One thing we remarked on yesterday was, when did Jesus get a break?! No wonder He was sleeping in that boat! : )

Our high schooler works on his own all day for the most part.
I took this picture of the back of Zach's head because that is what we see most of him. : )

Last year I really missed having him involved in our studies, but I'm getting used to it. This is life in high school! -He has two classes on c.d. rom and one online so he spends a lot of time at the computer everyday...
He's a diligent student.

Joy, Andrew and Nathan do their math, spelling, reading and I help whoever needs it.

Then I got distracted by some emails and found this happening. -A certain somebody blowing bubbles in the house! : )

We did some more work and then it was lunchtime! Which I forgot to get a picture of.
We stop for one hour which we all need and enjoy.

Then I do our unit study work with those three and we use Learning Adventures: A New World of Adventure (for grades 4-8) It includes everything but math. But we have substituted some things that suit each of the kids better.

At the present we are studying New Jersey, the Revolutionary War and doing a unit on the different sections of the newspaper by writing our own articles. We finished the section on inventors and are about to start a study one on electricity.
(Nathan has started a high school science course so doesn't do science with us anymore)
I'm so glad this curriculum has a read aloud time because that is one of my favorite things to do with my kids!!! We just finished Sign of the Beaver and since we've already read Johnny Tremain (love that book!) we substituted By the Great Horn Spoon because of our recent trip to San Francisco and our study of the gold rush. (fun story!!!!)

Around 3:30 or 4:00 PM, we usually call it a day. This school day ended on a grumpy note. (just keeping it real!) : )

The kids have a little free time until we do chores and after those are finished they get 15 minutes each of 'electronics.' That's a privilege and sometimes they loose it...

Tonight Nathan had Teen Bible Quiz practice, and so we did more quoting of Mark...
Then I made dinner.
Our favorite part of the day is when Dad comes home!!!
Since it was a Tuesday, he had 'family band practice' with the kids after dinner and I went to pick up Nathan from his TBQ practice.

That's about it for that day!

If you do a homeschooling day in pictures, let me know. I'd love to come and visit! : )



momtofivekids said...

Thanks for sharing your day in pictures! Reading aloud is one of my favorite things, too! Those are great books you mentioned.

Toni said...

Loved looking at all the photos! Btw, we just purchased a table and by golly, it looks very much like yours.